Secret panel:
Alt text (from reply comments): Text: There is a pink peep, yellow peep, and a pac-man shaped ghost.
Frame 1: The blue ghost is on the left, pink is in the middle, yellow on the right P: I need a ghost busted. Y: Call the Ghostbusters! Frame 2: P: Do they have an app or website? The ghost looks down at pink’s phone. Frame 3: Y: No you gotta call pink is sweating Frame 4: P: Well I guess I’m stuck with this fuckin’ ghost then. The frame is zoomed on pink and the ghost
The implication that I will tolerate nearly anything to stay off of the phone is both rude and… accurate.
Who you gonna call?
Nobody, ever.
I’d rather make a phone call than register for some stupid website/app. fuck giving out my info and praise be *67
No phone calls, only Zuul.
To be honest the ghost seems pretty chill, I’d keep it around as my little buddy
“Who you gonna google?”
Everyone, without my consent, as google tracks my movements across the internet.
Well it’s a fucking ghost, I would keep it, too.
You’re ghosting the ghostbusters? Inconceivable!
I am not super socially adept by choice, however, when it comes to calls vs text, I would rather call like 9 times out of 10. I struggle with reading into how people come across over text. Especially people that I know in person. Plus, most my calls are like a minute or two long, I get all the information, and I don’t need to do this back and fourth and wait for the person to get back to me.
Why people prefer using some company’s chat service is beyond me. Email? Fantastic, I’ll come back to a response later. But these chats often require you don’t close the window, their notification sound won’t work, you’ll get dropped from opening another app for like 2 mins, and they take ages to respond in many cases.
Put me on hold any day, I can do whatever else I want in the meantime and then not have to wait while the agent types at a snails pace.