But topologically, most of them don’t perforate the body. Only really the mouth-anus connection does. And additionally, for humans, the nose-throat-mouth connection, because oddly, the nose-lung and mouth-butt cavities interconnect. (Which is not the case for many other species.)
in addition to mouth anus, and mouth nose, there is also a nose eye connection (as with nose for left and right hole respectively). Depending how broken your eardrums are these would be further connections. So def. more than a donut.
Sir, you are no coffee mug, you are a much more. You have 7 holes. 7 genus. 6 more holes than a boring old donut. Appreciate yourself!
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Topological-visualization-of-Hurwitzs-regular-map-3-7-of-genus-7-of-J-J-van-Wijk_fig4_318563084
But topologically, most of them don’t perforate the body. Only really the mouth-anus connection does. And additionally, for humans, the nose-throat-mouth connection, because oddly, the nose-lung and mouth-butt cavities interconnect. (Which is not the case for many other species.)
in addition to mouth anus, and mouth nose, there is also a nose eye connection (as with nose for left and right hole respectively). Depending how broken your eardrums are these would be further connections. So def. more than a donut.
This is a man
Peak male form