My dogs get sung the bestest boy/girl in the world song. My mom wrote it,and it’s a tradition now.
The boy version is as follows:
Hims the bestest little boy in the world Woo woo Hims the bestest little boy in the world Woo woo Hims the bestest little boy and he brings us so much joy Hims the bestest little boy in the world Woo woo
Upon the third woo woo the aforementioned bestest boy does his bestest howl. He waits for that moment, and will whine in anticipation. If you skip the third woo woo and go back into the lyrics his entire body quakes and he can barely contain himself waiting for the next woo woo.
The girls do not have this patience. They howl on the first woo woo, but we’re learning em
We sing to the dogs, but our dog songs are all improvised. We do have a “you’re a stinky baby” song we sing to the little dog if he gets stinky and we have to put him in the shower.
I would love to see that!
I’ll see if my mom has a video
Mind if I do a jay?
Hilarious but I have secretly turned the cat against her.
Profile pic is dog. Dog has taken over house & is pretending to be husband for tax purposes.
Patience. Inshallah you will outlive the dog and reclaim your rightful place
Get a Cat and have your own coven
Instructions unclear, the cat kicked everyone else out and is now the only member of the best friends club.
- Every time you see the dog give them their favorite rubbing(butt rub, tummy rub, ear rub),
- tell them they are the bestest in their favorite tone
- Hug them like you just came back from the future where they have been dead for months and you just had a terrible day.
- Make the dog plain cooked ground beef and mix it into their dry food, only do enough so you have to cook more every time.
- Daily hour long walks.
- Teach that treacherous bitch who’s really the dogs best friend.