Also, despite Trump saying the other countries pay tariffs, tarrifs are actually paid by the country that implements them. You, the American citizens, will be paying these tariffs.
Not Canada.
Also known as snooggums on and
Also, despite Trump saying the other countries pay tariffs, tarrifs are actually paid by the country that implements them. You, the American citizens, will be paying these tariffs.
Not Canada.
Yeah! And what about these libraries? Lids are just able to go and find stuff on shelves and learn things that aren’t filtered through my personal opinions?
What kind of society are we creating?
“Dressing us up and trying to make us act like someone other than ourselvds won’t keep us from embarassing you. I’m disappointed you never learned that.”
Hate both!
Odds on the opt out actually opting you out instead of pretending to?
Use it and then explain how much of a waste of time it was to get the wrong results.
Anyone who disagrees with me is a moron so I don’t care.
Commit to the bit!
The s shape that I’m familiar with is generally referring to squared walls that have a S shaped path where the walls don’t allow for a direct line of sight like this. But yes, curved walls would also be easier than framing and hanging doors.
The S shape takes more space than a single door, but it is way cheaper to build than a door.
I loved the things they put to open doors with your feet during covid, just little metal nubs.
In the rare case I could catch one with the tread on my shoes, the door closing mechanism was too powerful to actually pull the stupid door open. If I have to lean into pulling it open with my hand, some friction surface for my toes isn’t going to work.
I’m not saying they need to be perfect, but if they can make it recognize specific names they can keep it from saying ‘kill your self’.
Folks should agree and understand that no one can be held responsible for what the AI outputs.
Bullshit. The creators of the AI are responsible for how the thing they designed and built operates.
Is there room for unexpected output to not be treated as malicious? Yes. But absolving them of ALL responsibility means someone can build a malicious AI and claim immunity from responsibility.
Current AI frequently has rails that keep it from spitting out stuff on real people or specific topics like building bombs. The same rails should exist for encouraging suicide.
I am not surprised that this is actually something he wrote.
This is not limited to Texas. It isn’t uncommon in US red states to legally beat your children as long as it doesn’t reach a certain level of injury (or it does and the abuser pretends to apologize).
We still have atates that allow school staff to hit children.
See the thing is, children are property and hitting children is totally fine because the law hasn’t recognuzed them as people yet. Wives are barely considered people and hitting them only became illegal a few decades ago.
\s for me, literally accurate for a huge portion of US culture.
While the company stops short of directly saying as much, it sure feels like the preposterously long ads we’re seeing here are an example of one tool in Google’s arsenal for effectively disabling YouTube playback for violators of the site’s ToS.
That makes no sense at all. It isn’t like skipping ads results in a black screen for the length of the ad.
People with adblockers aren’t going to see hour long ads or black screens when they don’t see ads in the first place.
Building garbage and convincing people it is absolutely necessary to pay someone for it is the American way.