Sorry it came across like that, I was super tired. I think other commenters are right that authoritarianism sucks, whether it’s left or right.
libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~
Sorry it came across like that, I was super tired. I think other commenters are right that authoritarianism sucks, whether it’s left or right.
The worst thing to come out of social media discourse is ad hominem attacks (attacking a person) being perceived as attacking the argument itself. What an annoying take, no one is a god or angel. We have to do the work to find truth and justice.
Idk, I stole the meme from somewhere
Lol, some leftists need to get over the fact that not everyone will agree with their pov, and that doesn’t mean those who disagree are “center” or “liberal”, whatever the fuck they think those labels mean. I am tired of what feels like emotional blackmail by hardliners who insist that their biased opinions are definitive progressivism, or that they are the arbiters of truth or justice. But continue being wrong, it’s just you losing credibility 🤷♀️ Truth and justice require a principled and unbiased approach towards morality, ethics and philosophy. I believe people can do better than zero-sum realpolitiks, I guess that’s just my naïve take.
This is awesome
So interesting thing to note from history, in many cases western people or nations pulled ahead by betraying non-western allies or peoples. The prosperity of the current globalist, neoliberal world is built on multicultural alliances.
Basically people like this are signaling to anyone who’s paying attention and has been keeping score of historical record “DONT TRUST US, WE WILL BETRAY YOU!!”. There’s just not enough economic activity in the western nations to uphold their current levels of activity and productivity without multicultural alliances, so this is an interesting turn.
Power is an interesting concept because a lot of it is assumed on the part of those who claim it, and those who relinquish it often don’t even realize the cards they hold because they’re gaslit into believing the lies of their opponents. What a shitty and annoying world, and here I was hoping for a Star Trek future in my lifetime.
Lastly, the whole “white supremacy” thing doesn’t make sense when there are people of Persian descent who are more Aryan than many white Europeans, so that’s a huge lol.
Count your blessings, sucks having to get on the phone and play the spelling game
Good to know, I was just going by past exposure to British English
Centre is British English
Ah thanks, guess you’re right
I hate anything that invokes mythology as a default, but I get that they’re doing it to butthurt religious fundamentalists, so I’ve come around to the whole Satan church thing
This isn’t my comic, I was just answering the question
If any of this stuff is real, people should do a shin megami tensei and take back their lives
lol I got excited/disgusted for a bit because I thought you replied to another thread…
Yeah, I like the way different cultures make their breads. When I said “bread” I meant more like the sliced variety one gets in a market.
Then why don’t they call it bug fried rice? Checkmate Atheists
You’re right that no one is an angel or god, no one has perfect knowledge and as such cannot hand out perfect justice. That’s what I am saying, essentially. As soon as people create authoritarian systems, of any kind, they become adherents to one singular way of thinking. That’s the problem.
Edit: stop making the thing into an ad hominem, I am talking about systems and processes.