This is terrible and fucked up.
My mind went to seaparks…
This is terrible and fucked up.
My mind went to seaparks…
My conspiracy theory here is that the person tasked with implementing The new policy filters Was either pissed off and or lazy And just use the most obvious filter they could come up with
Class action lawsuits are a fucking scam for lawyers.
Next panel have the american white bread loaf show up. Have the german befriendly and ask him if he is Also some sort of baguette.
American bread: What the fuck did you just call me
If that surgeon can’t force a cat’s game then I don’t want him operating on me
Nice try Ed.
I’d like to thank the posters who came before me for giving me this opportunity
My friend if you live long enough you’ll eat ass too!
It’s actually the incentive for new vampires to be made. During the turning process food is curtled and turned into a special type of feces Wine liquor. Patron vampires then spend the turning process Licking the rich secretions from the vassal vampires anus.
Really the whole thing is an intimate and beautiful process.
Make it a law that comes into effect in 2 years. Put them on notice.
Iv always loved the idea of animals enjoying beauty.
I’m not saying I doubt it.But what exactly are there geopolitical motivations for widespread unfocused terror
I’m so sorry.Are you mad at me for asking?Oh, God, are you mad at me for pestering you?Oh god
The real question is if they are vector or pixel… where do they end and the border begin?
Sounds like a future congressman
Voice to text is hit or miss. When I’m lazy about fixing typos that’s WhAt HAAPenS