No experience with corvids, but I’ve had parrots and they fucking love dipping. They’ll pick dried fruits and such out of their mix, carry it over to their water, dunk, nibble, dunk, nibble, etc.
Usually it’s something dried that makes sense to reconstitute, but sometimes they’ll dip something like seeds just for the hell of it.
Closest thing to sauce I ever gave them was some yogurt, and usually they’d just eat it straight, but occasionally would drop some other food into it before eating it.
Lol, reminds me of one of the Mario games a while back - no idea what the context was, but Mario took on different personas, which I’m assuming gave him abilities specific to whatever ‘form’ he took kinda like Kirby.
Anywho, one of them was a Mexican theme, which made Mario don a sombrero and poncho. Lots of touchy white people on the internet were PISSED cuz how could Nintendo be so insensitive to the Mexican culture?!
…meanwhile, Mexican gamers were fucking ecstatic cuz HOLY SHIT MARIO’S WEARING A SOMBRERO! LET’S GOOOOOO!!!
Good times.
What cheese best evokes “rip and tear”?
String cheese, ofc.
Meh, the global ecosystem is fucked anyway. Might as well trim out the especially annoying bits and enjoy some relative comfort on our way to extinction. If doing so accelerates our downfall a bit, that’s a fair trade.
I say it’s worth the risk.
…well, hopefully it’s better at politics than we are.
Though, if that bar was any lower it’d be passing through the planet core.