This is perfect advice for the numerous idiots downplaying the Nazi salute
This is perfect advice for the numerous idiots downplaying the Nazi salute
She was petrified
God dammit Proton. Fine, I’ll switch to Tuta…
Still time to send them on some luxury vacations, I hear they like those!
Lol, I just got flamed in a community for condemning this shit
Hey! I read a blog once also. You’re telling me I’ve had the option all this time, to become a deranged, delusional maniac?
Thanks for the help
“Is that guy diddling himself in public?”
Turns in $400 AK
Buys $1,200 FN P-90
I saw it happen
between the sounds of laughter of adults catching butterflies
This pill might fucking kill you
It also might cause your eyes to explode
Self hosted Invidious still works
Nazi youth
Why was she yelling at you
I had that once.