Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
Good thing musky got that big compensation package shoved through, eh?
What are they going to do, run out and attack a street pole? [Suburbia]
What are they going to do, run out and get kicked by a cow, then said cow has some lovely pooping moments on their stunned form? [Ruralia]
What are they going to do, run out and jump on a taxi, or their neighbor walking home? [Urbania]
I doubt that most people would run out and start the revolution. Most people won’t have plans or be researching targets, which would lower their threshold for starting a revolution, because it’s easier to do something if you know how you’re going to do it. Anyone who has plans or targets isn’t going to be fooled by you saying a revolution has started. Most people are juuuust comfortable enough to not want to go out to the street and start randomly fighting.
Hmm, just spitballing here, but what could you point to on an elephant that’s unique (and/or in the public thoughts of elephants)? Memory, size, trunks, large ears, grey skin, tusks, fear of mice, (name of them?) pachyderm?
For memory - Because they’re the only animal that can remember how to score a strike?
Trunks - Because their trunks have room to spare?
Size - Because even the lions aren’t willing to tell them they crossed the line.
Mice thing - Because they always beat the mice’s half ounce balls.
Or maybe it’s something to do with bowling? Turkeys, lanes, (heavy/big balls), spares, lines, shoes…
Shoes - Because they can finally borrow shoes that fit?
Turkeys - Even elephants love getting turkeys?
Spares - I dunno
I remember when Amazon first started there were good deals on good quality items
I remember when the primary use of amazon was buying secondhand items. The deals on used discs for PS2 or gamecube were amazing. It was ebay without bidding.
I was hoping it would say someone finally told Trump, “Bitch, get back in your place because no one is putting up with your shit.” Imagine my disappointment at the reasonable attempt to lower tensions and appease.
Vance. I think he and his puppet masters would love the excuse to join with putin’s past allies. Russia gets the land, united states of stupid gets half the resources contracts to aid in building the ‘infrastructure’ and such to process the resources.
I know I’m probably getting the political landscape of vermont and new hampshire mixed up, but isn’t vermont pretty red? Similar to the way new york is pretty red once you get out of the big city? That’s probably going to be a nightmare if anything happened.
Who are the assholes on the left? There is a little part of me that hopes they aren’t a group in america, because in america they would have been shot, but after the events of the last few years days I’ve lost hope.
Aye, and that plays into the part I forgot to mention: the optics. Imagine a typical confrontation between two people, a various amount of other folks nearby. Maybe it’s at a bar, maybe it’s at a park, maybe it’s in the street with large riots going on around you. Who do you view as the aggressor immediately, on the one hand, a fellow, hands balled, in a pugilistic stance or wildly swinging, or the other one who has his hands up in front of him, palms facing outwards? Little things like that matter if it ever goes to court, and are super important if the police show up initially.
I mean, punching is good and all, but for most people I recommend a good strike with the heel of your hand. Like so. The reason? Not many people train enough (like, come one, who actually trains to punch regularly?) to prevent the wrist rolling during the strike of a punch, and it both weakens the strike and can injure your wrist. It’s also a naturally tough area (there are only two places on the body with ‘thick’ skin: the palms and the soles) and the impact is transferred onto larger bones covered in that thick skin, rather than onto the knuckles (i.e., vulnerable joints) covered by thin skin that just loves to split open.
Go try it now against a door frame. See how hard you can hit with each.
They’re definitely epigenetic. You get them from whoever handled you more when you were young.
Average healthy adult breathes 12-20 times a minute (those are the numbers we carry around with us in healthcare). So at the upper end, 20b/minx60min/hrx24hr/day gives you $1,440.00 a day. If we count even the impact of your foot while running as steps (does a specific word for that exist? I don’t know. In my head a step comes from walking…), a good pace is 3 steps / second. Go for a good 30 minute run, and you get 3st/sec * 60sec/min * 30min for a whopping total of 5400 steps, or $1,350.00. Move around your house while cooking, cleaning, getting the kids/pets/lover where they need to be, and you might end up a bit better off than the breathing. My average steps just around the house add up to 5k-6k, I believe.
The IRS can lick my balls if I’m being paid in cash under the table though.
Oh, lol, sorry. I thought you meant how the ‘knot’ and ‘weed’ fit into current internet culture. A lot of plants have names that probably don’t make much sense to us. Apparently in its native Japan, there are 689 terms for it! Damn. I noticed that another english name for it is Donkey Rhubarb, which immediately makes me think of other things, and I’m now realizing I spend way too much time on the internet. /facepalm
I think Ian M. Banks (‘The Culture’ series) already had that, unless that’s specifically what you were referencing. Though humanity wasn’t a part of The Culture, as explicitly explained when they were viewing us like apes in a zoo, so the ringworlds with primitive cultures on them that had AI machine minds tending them weren’t from the wake of humanity.
On the internet, everything vaguely dog-like has a big, thick penis with an even bigger, thicker bulb at the bottom of it. I’ve heard it’s perfect for prissy subs everywhere as you love-fuck them into a drooling mess only to ‘tie’ them at the end as you howl your alpha-dominant status to the echoing world of your 10ftx10ft, $1500/mo roomapartment.
There are people paying obscene amounts of money for certain… subjects to be portrayed. I guarantee you the majority are not doing it for shock value. Some of the pictures there are… problematic.
If my experience on the internet tells me anything, it’s that people are fucked in the head when it comes to sex.
Remember boys and girls, ear sex isn’t real sex!
She’s checking that he’s very asleep.
PTO? Is that the spinny thing on the back of the tractor I would attach the mower/seed spreader to? If so, thinking back we never had much concern with it. Now I’m rethinking the wisdom of the adults in letting us preteens use it.
It’s all about who you can say it to. As much as elmo is probably trying to change it, right now the dystopian future of shadowrun hasn’t appeared, and the various governments are still the big dogs in the pound. See brazil for a recent example. Even apple, famously trying to thwart regulations, has eventually caved to the EU on the charger issue, as another example.