Hey, cleaners are second most important, they must be paid super well, right?
… Right?
Dusty old bones, full of green dust.
Hey, cleaners are second most important, they must be paid super well, right?
… Right?
Millienials: Finally, a realistic retirement plan for the average Joe.
I’m trying to get myself together too (though not nearly as impressive as your method). I’m writing down everything I spend, from a soda, or groceries, to rent. I quickly saw I was spending, like, to the penny of my check, and saw I wasted a good $200 on just bullshit. I’m trying to put on my big girl panties and get it together. Whenever I saw no to something, I’ve been putting it in a savings account. Like, “eh, I can make dinner at home.” Okay, then that $15 for the cheeseburger that you were okay with is now going into savings.
My goal is to end this year without debt. School, credit card, all of it. Tired of it lol
Honestly, it’s been a great help reducing take out. It’s such a gamble, I’d rather spent nothing on a sure thing (even if it’s boring) than nearly $40 for a meal I may not even finish.
Lmao, yes.
He “brought it back” before he was even in office. And since no one looks up anything, I’m sure it did it’s job.
Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feeeeeeeel tonight. 🎶
Do what I do: Be fat and ugly. Not only will you not be in the girlfriend zone, men will go out of their way to make sure you know they “don’t see you that way” regardless if you were interested or not.
and I said 🔪🔪🔪
Probably not as interesting, but I was woken up as a kid (teen?) by my mom screaming and running into my room/in my bed. Woke up to see my dad standing in the doorway with a steak knife. She had asked him to go to rehab. That was it. We’re good though 🤙🏾
I thought dude fell off a ladder. I was like, “no wonder he quit! It’s dangerous!”
But… But it’ll damage the the page. 🥺
Chaotic Good, or I’m just listening to an audio book.
I wonder if she gets quiet because she’s brought up the same, exact issue multiple times and she’s tired of her concerns being invalidated and forgotten as “women, am I right?”
This can go both ways. She could be upset he’s not a mind reader, or she could be upset that he doesn’t give a fuck. A " Schrodinger’s Douchebag" if you will.
“Attractive Female”, “Divine Power” because what power doesn’t fall under that, and “Insanely Rich.”
That’s why I don’t leave the house. 😎
I remember telling my mom I’d make a good Spinster, just hanging out at home, doing needle work. She laughed and said, “You’re black, you’d be a slave.”
Am I to assume that the flash is just spin pissing? Or is it spinning to match whatever position he happens to be in when it’s time?
They can’t be seen, can’t speak, women’s voices cannot be heard (even by other women), and now they can’t have windows.
At this point, if they have such a problem, leave the men inside in a windowless box and let women do the work. It’s men getting a half chub because they heard of someone thinking of a woman. Their obsession with women is so fucking weird. It’s like they’re the boogy man or some shit.
I’m in my 30’s and I still don’t feel like an adult. I always feel like I’m mimicking what someone my age should be, and then when I go home, it’s like, “finally, away from all those scary adults.”