ive only played a few hours of eldin ring what the hell is a shadow tree or Dom node?
Web development / front-end development joke: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model
Web components suck
As a backend developer this could equally be real front end stuff or satire to take the piss out of it. To me the entire DOM stuff is as understandable as magical lore anyway.
It is very much real: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Shadow_tree
Thank you for not shitting on frontend. Have a wonderful day
It wasn’t meant as shitting on front end. I love a good gui. I just don’t understand half of the things you guys work with.
I work mostly with business logic. Integtations, APIs and process automation etc. GUI stuff is quite far from my day to day so I don’t have any incentives to learn at work either.
Shadow DOM trees are very real, and I feel like a Wizard trying to decrypt ancient runes every time I have to deal with them, so you’re not far off.
ELI a Backend Developer?
If you’ve ever built a backend MVC style (Model, View, Controller) it’s very similar but for web documents instead of remote procedure calls.
The browser has an internal model for representing the HTML document, called the Document Object Model (DOM). This DOM happens to be tree-shaped, because HTML is tree-shaped. And certain logic in a browser gets applied to subtrees, like e.g. most CSS rules.
Sometimes, however, you want a subtree to not get affected by what’s going on in the main tree, for example when including an SVG into that tree, or if you’re offering JavaScript library with a pre-built component.
And yeah, that is what the Shadow DOM does. It also shields the rest of the DOM from what you’re doing inside the Shadow DOM. And there’s certain mechanisms to selectively allow interaction across the shadow boundary, e.g. when providing a pre-built component, you might still want the user to be able to style parts of it.I think the other comment was an excellent explanation of what the DOM is for somebody with a little bit of computer science experience at least.
But front end vs back end development explained like youre five:
a front end developer makes what you can see when you use some software (the term is mostly used when talking about web development, but almost all business software is websites today). So they know how to place buttons in the right place, how to make it look good or move around or what ever you want your website to do. I.E display a form to fill out when you want to check out your shopping basket in a web shop.
a back end developer makes the logic that happens behind the scenes and makes it available for the front end. I.E. Pass on the data from the form the user just entered to the orders database.
a full stack developer knows how to do both.
Edit: just realised I misunderstood your question. Keeping the comment though since somebody Else might not know the difference between backend and frontend
Ah yeah, I’m a backend developer already, I was wondering what the heck a Shadow DOM is (as opposed to a regular DOM which I do understand). Luckily some of the other comments put together give me a decent summary.
Imma need to get an Elden Ring theory off my chest.
You remember that one fight against the two omens on the bridge to the divine tower, where suddenly everything goes black?
That fight is an illusion made by Morgott; it takes place entirely in your own mind. Similar to the illusion of fighting Renalla in her second phase (it’s not actually Renalla but Rani disguised as her). Or the illusory version of Morgott just outside the capital walls.
Which veil? Shadow land veil?
But yeah this fight is so… Out of place? I mean those are just two Standarte omens as a boss fight? And no other boss does something like the port to black.
Always thought there must be more to it.
Also is there an active elden ring lore community on Lemmy?
Yep, I’m 99% sure that they are somehow pulling us into the veil that separates TLB from TSL. Maybe they are stuck there?
It would be one thing if it were just some random enemies, but it’s specifically Omen, and I’m pretty sure the location lines up well with where the veil should be. Miquella needed Mohg’s Omen blood to cross into TSL (and to allow his followers to cross). That can’t be a coincidence!
Sadly doesn’t seem like such a community exists yet. I’d love one, but I’m bad at promoting that stuff (see my Invincible community). If you’d like to participate, I’ll gladly open one up!
Be aware, there are ways to use the dark arcane magic of the shadow trees and you can even attach shadow to a