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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • OSINT is the term you’re looking for.

    Edit: and this particular person was apparently talking about buying the data off signalhire.

    OSINT usually consists of collecting all of the publicly available data on a “target” (person or company usually) and correlating it all together to reveal things not explicitly public (or at least not all in one spot). “Open source” intelligence. Term is used by military, intelligence agencies, and pen-testers.

  • Look, I truly mean this as softly as possible, because Teams does not in any way make this shit easy, but you are using it wrong.

    Teams groups should have Sharepoint sites (on Azure) backing them, and are meant to be interacted with through the Office 365 online SharePoint “portal” thing if you need more than you can do through the Teams UI.

    Why in the hell Microsoft has both OneDrive and SharePoint is one of the universe’s stupidest and most confounding mysteries.

    And in my experience, links to the documents through sharepoint do auto redirect/correct/stay working if you move the files around within the same sharepoint site, as long as the person opening the link still has rights to open stuff in the new location. If they didn’t, I have a large project with a lot of interlinked documents that would have gotten absolutely fucked.

    OneDrive also tends to do really fucky shit with that top level folder structure. Like trying to save things in the root of my onedrive that isn’t synced instead of in the synced documents folder I always save to. Anyway, I stay away from using OneDrive as itself as much as possible and just use the automatic folder sync/redirect and interact with my local drive like OneDrive doesn’t exist and my documents folder is magically synced across multiple machines by a capricious spirit. Don’t even get me started on how it handles fucking one note stuff stored in onedrive when you browse through the web ui. Just fucking madness.

    But if you’re concerned, just make the only thing in the general folder a link to where shit really is. Probably the easiest solution.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldNazis
    1 month ago

    Not saying they never existed or they weren’t a problem. I’m trying to emphasize that overuse of those labels towards the undeserving has allowed the true problem people (actual nazis, fascists) to get by with the benefit of the doubt.

    Look, at this point I’m not sure what to say except to lean back on lived experiences of myself and a number of friends.

    Some specific “my friend is black” style examples from my social group, if you’ll pardon me:

    • racial/ethnic minority who is also lgbt+
    • one of the most politically active people I know, involved in countless public works and community supporting projects, who at one point worked teaching kids stuck in juvie skills they could use to make money legally once released
    • union organizer and rep, can’t even drop that shit for a game of DnD, sidetracking the plot to try and unionize side characters
    • multiple and diverse PoC

    I’ve seen each individual there and people like them, be called all sorts of horrible labels (mainly online) that do not fit them or even the worst possible interpretation of the opinion they were espousing at the time. I’ve seen them called capitalist bootlickers, nazis, racists.

    One who was only stopped from joining the US Antifa movement by being overseas taking classes in Australia called a fascist.

    African American man who grew up in the roughest schools in our state be called a fucking white supremacist for talking about issues in the black community.

    Gay men be called homophobes.

    Lesbians active in the local LGBT+ community, who provided safe housing and care for a FtM after his top surgery, and who forced a local highschool to offer legally required support services for an ASD genderfluid student, called transphobes.

    Again, the wolves absolutely fucking exist, have existed for a long time, and there have been plenty of people shouting about them. But there have been even more, louder, people jumping at shadows for just as long.

    Doing the equivalent of “Well it’s your fault for not heeding our warnings!” is short sighted, ignores lived experiences from a wide variety of people, and most importantly does absolutely nothing for positive change in the current scenario.

    You can’t just keep going “I told you so!” or “nuh uh!” at people and expect to gain allies.

    I get the frustration, but save that energy for the real targets. Attacking our own for not being as prescient as some others is wasted effort and furthers the goals of those in power.

    Aknowledging that there is a reasonable explanation for why people don’t take these labels seriously doesn’t lose you anything. It gives you extra knowledge amd understanding that can be used for more effective forward momentum.

    Don’t just call Elon a nazi. Anyone who could be convinced by those words alone already has been.

    Do something like link this comparison gif:

    and approach from a different angle.

  • Is he aware he does this shit? Does he delete them in the morning when he’s sober? Do you know if anyone has talked to him as asked “what the actual fuck?”

    Like this is going to significantly and negatively affect his social life, and craters job prospects if he ever has to go on the job hunt again.

    Like maybe he needs to be shown how to favorite things instead of posting it to FB to find later?

    I’m not particularly happy about it, but many years ago (like 2007-ish) I had to have a talk with my father (in his late 40s at the time) about how to clear browsing history on the shared family desktop. And again about private browsing mode a year or two later when that came to IE and other browsers outside of Firefox.

  • Your own image labels it as “sexual initimacy”, which is a very different thing than sexual openness. Both of those, and having frank talks about needs, are also worlds away from “I post my porn choices on fucking facebook”.

    I get that envisioning the path to proper sexual intimacy can be frustrating and confusing when you feel like you aren’t having your needs met…

    but there’s a drastic difference between a parent telling their kid that it’s okay to touch yourself and having a discussion about appropriate time/place (and that porn isn’t realistic, the dangers of forming opinions and expectations based on it, the concepts of kinks and preferences, consent, etc etc there is a lot that people don’t get any proper guidance on), and a parent doing the equivalent of “Yo! Did you see this shit? Makes me rock fucking hard my man! Hot AF!” in front of their kid and potentially in public.

    The proper response to trauma/repression usually isn’t to go to the opposite extreme. A boy who grew up in a household where his father beat his mother shouldn’t cut off his own hands to try and prevent himself from beating his own SO.

    Sexual intimacy is an extension of intimacy, and it shouldn’t be nearly as “hush hush learn it on your own the hard way” as it is. Intimacy in general should be discussed more. I’ve had some wonderfully illuminating, quite explicit discussions with some of my closest friends (with no sexual tension between us. Life isn’t porn).

    But again, big big difference between even something as blatant as “Hey, don’t shy away from being on the recieving end of ass play unless you know it’s not your thing.” (paraphrase of discussion among close friends, all straight men) and sharing “Did you see the new clip? Fucking hawt! My rope hit the fucking ceiling!” to the public.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldNazis
    1 month ago

    Jon Stewart called out the dilution of labels like racist etc in his closing speech of the 2010 Rally to Restore Sanity. It was a problem all the way back then.

    By the time you started yelling about the real dangers, the boy who cried first had already came and went. The sheep were fine. The boy grew up, got a decent paying job amd moved out of the state. Another boy came by yelling the same thing. Still no wolves. Sheep still fine. Repeat more times than you can count.

    It’s not your fault, but it’s stupid as hell to pretend that people didn’t start taking those labels less seriously due to overuse.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldNazis
    1 month ago

    You personally? Sure. But there have been people online misusing the word (and similar things) for fucking ages, going back at least as far as 2010.

    This goes back a lot farther than the last election campaign, farther back than Trump’s first “reign”, farther back than his first campaign even.

    Background on Jon Stewart for those unaware of him

    Jon Stewart has been out of the public eye for a long time, so I expect there’s some people around unaware of his work. Did a comedy news show for years where he tore into the bullshit going on in the world, in the news, and in news orgs like Fox hiding behind a false “both sides” narrative back when they still cared enough to fake it. He got Crossfire cancelled when they were stupid enough to invite him on for an interview and were shocked that he wasn’t willing to be a comedian on a show that claimed to be real news and he instead systematically and thoroughly called them out as the travesty they were.

    Jon Fucking Stewart called out the dilution of labels through overuse in his closing speech at the Rally to Restore Sanity in 2010. The rally done as a reaction to the Tea Party rally in D.C.

    That is to highlight that the “boy who cried wolf” shit was happening all the way back then and was already a big problem.

    “If we amplify everything we hear nothing. There are terrorists and racists and Stalinists and theocrats but those are titles that must be earned. You must have the resume. Not being able to distinguish between real racists and Tea Partiers or real bigots and Juan Williams and Rick Sanchez is an insult, not only to those people but to the racists themselves who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate–just as the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe not more. The press is our immune system. If we overreact to everything we actually get sicker–and perhaps eczema.”

    People didn’t get the fucking message, which gave cover for the real racists and nazis to slither around and significantly helped to get us where we are today.

    Where an over rich manchild clearly on some sort of substances can give two half assed sieg heils, and then follow it up with the most half assed excuse during a fucking presidential inauguration and instead of being tackled by security and hauled the fuck off never to be seen again, people are sitting around giving him the benefit of the doubt.