Yeah that’s what I was getting at, like a runaway GAI
Yeah that’s what I was getting at, like a runaway GAI
AI will either free us, wipe us out, or enslave us. That said, true AI would realize we are more productive when we are happy.
I say bring it the fuck on.
Lmao your name is awesome.
I got my heart broken too
Retaliation? How the fuck do you retaliate while invading someone? The response and current was is already the retaliation.
Chingadera is my favorite Spanish word, I can up vote that.
Would it be immoral to put this lady on one of those bellhop luggage carts and take her drunk ass around town to see the sights?
Edit: in my vision, there’s upbeat montage music playing in the background
These book covers memes are top tier, anyone know what they’re called?
Yeah historically women haven’t gotten the best treatment, it’s honestly insane
That’s stupid
Talk to me when cocaine silk goat milk hits the Boston mahket
Are you telling me that they “wOnt WaNT To wORk AnYmORe”