My 98 ranger is lower than all of those…
My 98 ranger is lower than all of those…
What does a van offer that a small truck wouldn’t? Other than opportunity for passengers. Since its a work vehicle passengers isn’t generally a concern since basically anything you can buy can handle atleast 2 people. Covered space? Get a cap. Need more Clearance for a fridge you intend on plugging in right away? take the cap off. Over sized item in more ways than one like a couch or bed? you can drop and remove the tailgate. I have yet to see a small van that can be all that customizable?
You can down vote but you should add to the discussion. Can we get the numbers on people that have vans and aren’t using them to capacity or carrying anything. How about the amount that drive passenger cars that are driving 2+ occupant but serves no more utility than a bicycle that’s faster.
To add to the numbers my house hold has a 4 door sedan and a pickup. But we are dual income with no kids. What should I drive instead? so I live 30 miles from work because who is so lucky to work next door and wife is 20 miles fron work. I also do things like move fire wood and mow lawns and… Really do you want a list of all the things I would have to rent a truck for? I have a cap for my bed and have pulled it to move larger stuff. Just because you dont have to do a thing or have a thing or what ever… Doesn’t mean there is t a use case which doesn’t involve using someone else’s and just using your own.
Why are they all the same aperture size?