We only really have one brand, its our own! Its the 3rd of our largest export! According to us the Serbs only stopped trying to reunite parts of Yugoslavia because we stopped exporting our animal crackers to them, so their country fell to ruins!
We only really have one brand, its our own! Its the 3rd of our largest export! According to us the Serbs only stopped trying to reunite parts of Yugoslavia because we stopped exporting our animal crackers to them, so their country fell to ruins!
Hungary didn’t crack down on education? Our scores are still competitiv-ishly high in Europe! Our teachers are unfortunately paid in animal crackers though, like most important jobs! The teacher, doctor, bus driver scarcity is just more apparent than some others
In our system Viktor Orban have bought the media with stolen public funds! And the opposition parties and much of our economy…
We are on a social network platform too?
But… US companies are allowed to sell the data of citizens to other countries? Do they want some taxes before they give arbitrary your info that is literally unusable for anything aside from customizing ads
This argument bleeds from so many wounds! With how much could have Cuckerberg bribe both parties?
You really edited 2 of your comments? You know it takes 4 clicks to view them with google time machine?
Ain’t you sad mate?
You think a hospital would ask for insurance from a dying patient?
Yup thats the title, have you ever heard of hyperbole?
They are legally required to stabilize you, but won’t actually treat you until your method of payment is confirmed!
And have you ever heard of hyperbole? That is whats happening here?
Actually kinda?
Math does not really really work with the abstract, 0 actually equals one and three by thats expansion! (Google it!)