Make no mistake if they think twisting the algorithm is going to make the voices of the left less disruptive they have no fucking clue what it is like to fight people who believe in their beliefs because they ernestly think they will help and save people.
We were going at Biden and Harris with kid gloves on because we knew Trump was going to be much worse, but the kid gloves are off and leftists will do everything up to and including dying for what we think is right… because we aren’t full of shit like the cowards in power are.
I dare them to kick us out of social media conversations, we are just going to become more radicalized into taking direct action instead of asking nicely.
Fascists will never see you coming out of the night in your acts of resistance because to predict your actions consistently requires actually understanding what makes you tick, and to do that requires recognizing at some level that you have something they do not, integrity in your beliefs, whereas their mental landscape is a barren monoculture of childish hate and bullshit.