Despite your best efforts, you’re right!
Despite your best efforts, you’re right!
No machine can read my chicken scratches! Or human, for that matter. Including myself.
In all seriousness, this sounds intriguing but I couldn’t tell you what I’d use it for. When I write with a pen it’s usually a couple quick basic notes. Anything more involved and my typing skills are way better
$30 billion company want**'**s
Also, they should be clear that it’s $5 per month
This but unironically
I’ve never worked at a coffee shop, but I know our taste sensitivities are different at different temperatures. I’d be surprised if they were exactly identical products to account both for that, and the fact that your product is about to be diluted when it gets combined with ice (depending on the temperature before that happens). The ingredients may be more or less the same, but the proportions and concentrations may not be.
Again, part of the overall drink is supposed to be made of the water from melted ice. It’s hard to compare sizes perfectly with that in mind, but it’s a less-extreme similarity to comparing a jug of orange juice with a can of concentrate (the kind you mix with water in a pitcher at home). Different products, but also different sizes for a reason.
Did you expect them to offset the less ice with more coffee?
In my experience, many iced coffee drinks are made a bit warm and more concentrated. The ice melts a bit, diluting the drink and giving more liquid overall.
Do they do that to an extreme? Probably. But there’s also more to it than “I got a drink with less ice and it wasn’t very full”
Sorry, but if you’re capable of signing a $44 billion contract and the other party has a reasonable expectation that you’ll be able to produce that $44 billion, you’re capable of doing the same steps as someone who wasn’t “joking”. There is no “lol jk” exceptions in contracts.
And honestly, with everything he’s doing now with Xitter and influencing public policy, I believe he knew exactly what he was doing and the “joke” and “uh oh I didn’t mean it!” was part of that
Zelensky added that “for those soldiers who do not wish to return” to North Korea, “there may be other options available.” He did not provide further details
Most likely, “Who? Huh, he must be dead”
Note to self: If I ever need to push 's buttons, food packaging typography misunderstandings is a great option.
Even my absolute worst job, which had a total dump of an office, had free coffee (later found out another location across the country did not, while the main office was in a fairly nice office tower with good lighting, free coffee, and a nap room)
I bet you have opinions about that xkcd comic
This is what I’m referring to in case you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000
It’s a grapefruit x mandarin hybrid. We’ve been cross-breeding species for, well, ever. Some foods you’re familiar with may be hybrids and you don’t even realize it
That would explain why you posted this on Showerthoughts of all places.
What country and what law?
Quick edit: you know, if Hulu doesn’t include anywhere that they do this, it could be seen as additional consideration (in the legal contractual term of the word - basically, what each party provides for the other) in order for Hulu to provide its service that wasn’t disclosed.
Of course, that just means we’ll get yet another “We updated our terms and while we’re at it we’re increasing our rates $3/month. Fuck You.” email and that’s that.