Nah, no need to bring those back. The role is already filled by microplastics and PFAS
Nah, no need to bring those back. The role is already filled by microplastics and PFAS
Now I’m curious, how hard would it be to write a lemmy bot that mimics Stinky’s behavior just to troll people lol. Ask generic questions like “I don’t understand, could someone explain please?” on random posts and then reply with k
to any answer with over 4 lines of text. Like a simpler but much more infuriating version of that Tobllort account from the other site.
I really wish this “haha furries bad” joke would just die already. It’s not funny, even ironically.
Yes this is so confusing to me. There was a blast of attention about it when it was launched that lasted like a week max and then everyone completely forgot about it. I thought it was a short-run experiment that got shut down. What reason is there to use threads? Are there any actual humans who still use it? I’ve never visited it but something tells me that it’s just like reddit with at most 100 real users and the rest is just bots replying to bots.
computer components aren’t real. It’s all just tiny gremlins doing maths really fast and turning pixels on and off
The type of people that truth social is designed for (conservatives, rightists, fascists) are often shunned for discriminating against minorities. Here they’re trying to pull a “no u”, to say that akshually we’re the ones who are discriminated against in mainstream media, and we’re gonna build our own platform with no discrimination, making us more virtuous than you. They don’t believe they actually have less discrimination, to them “discrimination” is a playing token in the game of morals. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it doesn’t matter whether or not they believe they have less discrimination, because having less discrimination was never the goal. The card says moops.
Yes in casual conversation I always say “DDoS” regardless of whether or not it’s distributed because “DoS” makes people think of the operating system.
I mean this probably wouldn’t work from a legal standpoint, but whatever. It’s nice to image.
This reminds me of that one time a guy figured out how to make “gzip bombs” that bricked automated vuln scanners.
This sums up my experience as well. It’s never been healthy, but at least it used to be cheap and tasty. But nowadays mcdonalds is so expensive I almost consider it a luxury, and the plastic-looking sauces and mystery meat are in no way appetizing (tho that might just be me getting older and changing preferences as opposed to the actual food getting worse)
Full agree, flipping manga is stupid. When I see a manga panel, my first instinct is to read right-to-left. Flipping it is just causing unnecessary confusion. At least the original bothered to make the text actually fit inside the bubbles!
>“in mice”
>humans not mentioned once in the entire paper
Yeah no.
EDIT: Okay, maybe. I’m not a biologist. Mice and human may be more alike than different for all that I know.
nope :(
I think you used to be able to “bootstrap” a proton account with a account (which needs no prior email or phone), but I don’t think that works any more
Hi, I recently set up my own email server
Hope that helps
❌ Space after period
❌ No space after period
✅ Space before period
TBH “Sierra” is a pretty obscure word. I didn’t know about it until the Mac OS release with that name. And given how often “c” makes an “s” sound, that sounds like a reasonable mistake to make if you’ve never heard the word before.
I bet they manufacture AI-enabled vibrators
Like seriously, how do you go from “haha these people have silly horny thoughts” to “you’re an insufferable human being if you can’t get laid”? That sounds like what a middle school bully might say.
Alternatively: The only ethical consumption under capitalism is eating the rich