No mention of users in India rushing out to download and install similar Chinese-language apps. 🤔
Go for it. I have my doubts that there is really any mass migration of English language users to an all Chinese website to begin with. The whole thing feels like a propaganda campaign.
Are you sure about that? Look who just got elected president of the US again.
You also have that stupid movement where liberal women are withholding sex as a protest. Sounds an awful lot like the beginning of Idiocracy to me.
Reminds me of Windows UI — usable, but inconsistent. Obviously a lot of glommed on tech debt that was never updated.
What a waste of RFID chips.
Hey, remember Vine? I bet Jack Dorsey remembers.
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I’d rather drop some of the more modern features like WebGL, WASM, and AI. A lot of this crap needs to be plugins instead of built into the browser.