It could also imply that he licks his balls multiple times a day, which is both realistic for a cat (though three is a low number here) and also what I think the artist was going for.
I’m just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.
It could also imply that he licks his balls multiple times a day, which is both realistic for a cat (though three is a low number here) and also what I think the artist was going for.
To waste time, I’d wager. Same.
Yeah, because Zuck put his right into Trump’s hands, willingly.
I use feeder installed via Fdroid. It sends me notifications that send me straight to the content. I rarely have to actually open the app. No complaints!
Gluten-free bread exists
Hey, EU? You aren’t beholden to any of these chucklefucks. Show them the door.
I’d imagine it to be comparable in pain level to giving birth through a vagina. Though the smaller pelvis would definitely be a problem…
Perhaps painted gallium bricks on a hot summer day?
war flashbacks
JRR Tolkien would like a word.
Meh, we interact with other humans. I’d call that social.