And Marge Simpson, don’t forget her!
And Marge Simpson, don’t forget her!
That’s a funny looking chicken.
Look at this fat cat that can afford clothes!
Sad LOL though, but yep, it’s practically impossible to avoid logos and ads anymore ☹️
Try going even one day without seeing a fucking ad…
First off, the only real way to accomplish that, aside from being in a coma, is to spend the day out in the woods somewhere.
Then, when you get tangled up in a thorny vine and pull out your knife, BAM, advertising logo!
Then when you want to start a fire, you bust out your lighter, and BAM, advertising logo!
Why you gotta ruin it for us?
Alternate question: How powerful of a laser do you need to burn out the LEDs on those sort of displays?
Love your username 👍
I saw one of those big rig trucks where the trailer was completely covered in LED advertising displays, on the left, right and back.
One of the ads was regarding broken phones, saying something along the lines of ‘broken glass is a good thing’. Don’t quote me on the exact wording though, I only saw that ad once, but it was regarding trade-ins and upgrades.
Kinda ironic to have such an ad displayed on a truck where you’re tempted to bust their display with a sledgehammer…
What, you didn’t like Pork Soda? 😂
Me either.
This is clearly a woman’s toilet. Everyone knows women don’t poop.
Well look at this fat cat over here that can afford clothes…
My point is, it exists now, whether we like it or not. I for one do not like it, I prefer Actual Intelligence, like the stuff that comes from the brain noodle.
But if AI is gonna be the thing, which obviously it is, people shouldn’t deliberately give it bad training data.
Um, you’re preaching to the choir here.
As much as I loathe the AI and surveillance and shit, I get downvoted any time I express my opinions.
Maybe I should be more clear…
I write and mod video games. Life isn’t a video game.
A proper question has a question mark.
You know, one of these things ❓
I never said any such thing. Matter of fact, I quit fixing phones and tablets back in 2017, partly because the employer had me installing used batteries, while he lied to his customers, telling them they were new batteries.
I have better ethics than that. I’d rather be homeless than mislead people, especially for a lousy $10 an hour.
So yeah, you’re right, it’s the company’s fault. Question is, are there any honest companies anymore?
The only thing going to waste is, well, everything, plus people’s brains. There’s children starting school that don’t know how to climb stairs now. I’m sure they know how to stare at an iPad though.
As far as the ‘smart’ vehicles, even if you don’t drive one yourself, the moron on autopilot next to you is sleeping, fucking, or on their phone, trusting a chunk of silicon that they don’t even understand to keep them, and you, safe…
Do you really trust ‘smart’ vehicles that get confused when they see emergency vehicles, or just flashing lights in general?
Remember, they’re using us as AI training mules, and every time someone gives it false information, it confuses the AI, which just makes modern vehicles more unpredictable.
Such pranks might sound like ‘fun’, but also put people’s lives at risk, when modern ‘smart’ vehicles can’t properly identify stop signs, school buses, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians…
I don’t like this modern AI era much, but I think it’s really shitty to deliberately give AI misinformation.
Yes, I study sort algorithms as well…