I’m honestly thinking about trying a modified sleep schedule like that. No matter what at around 7pm I absolutely can’t keep my eyes open, and then get super awake between 9-10. So maybe I nap from 7-10 ish, then putter around from 10-4 or 5am, and then sleep from then till 10am. It works with my work schedule for the most part. Be an interesting experiment in any case.
I’m honestly thinking about trying a modified sleep schedule like that. No matter what at around 7pm I absolutely can’t keep my eyes open, and then get super awake between 9-10. So maybe I nap from 7-10 ish, then putter around from 10-4 or 5am, and then sleep from then till 10am. It works with my work schedule for the most part. Be an interesting experiment in any case.