master/slave relationship in tech
Wait, this is a thread about branch names in git. The “master” in question would be more akin to a “master recording” from music, not master/slave software or system architecture.
master/slave relationship in tech
Wait, this is a thread about branch names in git. The “master” in question would be more akin to a “master recording” from music, not master/slave software or system architecture.
I doubt it, but ok
I’m not sure I’d count Frankenstein, tbh. I think it’s more horror than sci-fi.
I don’t think this is new; The Sleeping Dragon by Joel Rosenberg was published in 1983 where players in a tabletop RPG get whooshed into the game world at the beginning of the book. Fun series.
Black Hawk Tuah is the cause of the crash!
(Also /s, of course)
I can’t help but read this as “forty-ies” instead of “forties” 😂
I think I see where you’re coming from. I don’t hear grifters in that phrase, personally. I’d almost say the opposite; workaholics are more likely to invoke the phrase. Or, to put it another way, victims of upper management gaslighting.
working hard is not a virtue
I have to disagree here. Well, probably. I figure, if you’re not lazy/half-assing your job, you’re pretty much working hard, right? I see it as being diligent about your job, and yes, I do see some virtue in that.
But you also wrote “indicator of poor management” which makes me think you’re using “working hard” as a label for something like “unpaid overtime”. That would be a whole different ballgame.
I don’t think this post is a good fit. The name of the community is “mildly infuriating”, not “absolutely enraging”!
We got the high-range boozimeter from the safe, but it burned out instantly.
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