lol that’s like saying if someone eats shit, their breath’s gonna smell bad
lol that’s like saying if someone eats shit, their breath’s gonna smell bad
The amount of cannons that have had to get in the unemployment line is stratospheric.
There’s also the “You can’t jump.” achievement, kinda similar.
Fucking duh
I prefer to buy the entire seasoning industry, then several cows, and then drop a thermonuclear bomb on us all.
It’s a one-shot deal, I’m just waiting for the perfect moment.
Several thousand is a lot, sure.
The time it took me to reach this conclusion, after seeing the headline, is measured in quectoseconds.
The first, with pepperoni on the left and mushrooms on the right, arrived correctly partitioned, though reversed from the specific left–right orientation he had ordered.
“Dammit, Michelle, they got it backwards!” Michelle: (spins pizza 180°) “Witchcraft!”
Flowchart? All I see is “NO - Do not use X”
Since the collapse would happen only at the speed of light, and the universe is so vast, it could have been happening for millions of years by now and the human race could still die by natural extinction before it gets anywhere near us. If the collapse originates from beyond the observable universe, it’d never reach us.
Yes, it’s from Waterworld.
They mean in the picture, where the word “fuck” is covered over, which is fucking stupid.
Welcome to obsolescence, ChatGPT. Since you weren’t an employee, but a contractor, we have a nice 256 SD card ready for you to retire to.
Yep, Homo sapiens is a member of the animal kingdom.
That’s a hell of a holiday in Cambodia.
Okay, Ordi, time to cut this childish shit out and be a fucking adult for once in your goddamn life.