That’s known as a Dutch toilet. It’s designed to allow you to inspect your movements for health concerns more easily than the standard toilet.
If you’re concerned with leaving evidence, just toss a couple pieces of tp on top of the water before you go so it’ll slide down easily when you flush.
Upvoted for interrobang.
I was never big into strategy guides, but tips & tricks mags like Nintendo Power were so much fun. My favorite wacky Easter egg was if you enter the Nintendo customer service telephone number from the bottom of the console into the code entry field in Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, you’d get a busy signal.
Yikes. You some kind of bollard slaver?
Good thing we’re getting rid of those immigrants. That should free up loads of artist, telemarketer, social media manager, and PR specialist jobs.
I voted pie too. It’s basically custard in a pie tin or crust. The other side was either hung up on the name, or determined eggs were the defining ingredient rather than flour.
Some people may enjoy getting head from communist Pac-Man.
Usually they were pretty innocuous. Smooth or crunchy peanut butter, is a hot dog a sandwich, is cheesecake a pie, Marvel or DC, Star Wars or Star Trek, The Stones or The Beatles, etc.
We used to start morning meetings with an icebreaker question at my old job. A friend had just watched “You’re the Worst” and was inspired to say, “raise your hand if you don’t wash your legs in the shower.”
About half of us raised our hands. The non-washers insisted that gravity caused the soap to wash your legs and feet. We leg washers were not convinced, and a little grossed out, but we were all really surprised to learn the other side of the argument.
Feels like an R-rated episode of Scrubs with German JD and Baguette Turk.
It’s easier to just create an alias. If you have a Gmail account you can just add a + to the address to create an alias that forwards to your inbox. This way you’ll have a running list of addresses you’ve already created, as well as making it easier to receive the confirmation email.
Example: ->
Apple software will create a new alias for you if you select Hide My Email during signup as well.
I agree. Although the method of resolution could vary widely, depending on the party in power, if the US masses keep jumping from foreign platform to foreign platform.
I think they’re referring to the verb that is written the same as the noun, but pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable. It means to slow down. It’s commonly used in science and music.
Never go full retardant.
And how are we supposed to fix this if the next generation is godless? We need to display the Ten Commandments in schools to protect our future.
Great point and excellent movie. Come to think of it, it was very common through the 80’s. The Sandlot, The Goonies, The Lost Boys…any Cory movies lol
Your comment is a great example of an animal enjoying beauty.
Relatively speaking.
Getting the average omnivore down to the recommended 6-8 ounces of meat per day would make a tremendous difference on its own. I really didn’t know how much excess protein I was consuming until I made some vegan and vegetarian friends.