For anyone who controls time travel this is the fastest algorithm ever. Probably gonna change everything when we are traveling through space and passing by some dark holes.
For anyone who controls time travel this is the fastest algorithm ever. Probably gonna change everything when we are traveling through space and passing by some dark holes.
Imagine if a little bit of those so many millions that so many companies are willing to throw away to the shit ai bubble was actually directed to anything useful.
would you like some skibidy yeet with that sir?
should have been ‘gulf of muricunts’
Definitely the best country in the world.
So, is Superman faster than Flash or not :P
One of the rare times I actually laughed at a comic. It’s so stupid 😆
Dear old Internet Explorer in windows 98 and Me asked a lot.
They say “resolved quickly” as if it was an error and not something intended.
Telegram is well known bad
Oh, that was what the last panel was about.
What hurts the most is that “here me”
Today I learned I’m neutral evil.
Butts are the original boobs.
People really are that dumb. We really deserve everything we have.
Very similar to cock roaches. At least taste wise.
Once I bought a bunch of cheeses on a trip and like after 6 or 8 months later I remembered that I did and when I went to check them after finding where I put them they basically went straight to the trash. They were expensive and I remember struggling putting them in the bag. But it is what it is I guess.