Sexual reproduction via flowers+seeds.
When self-fertilizing, the offspring are not identical.
Sexual reproduction via flowers+seeds.
When self-fertilizing, the offspring are not identical.
Whether a plant species is hybridized has little effect on whether it grows true from seed or only via cuttings.
Wild maple trees for example do not grow true from seed.
No algae ever kept me cool in the shade on a sunny day.
A bad pickup truck is still just a pickup truck.
Haha 🤡
Adding solar panels to building is fine, but why do you want to bundle appliances and electricity?
Sounds like you’re introducing a lot of complexity for unclear benefit.
Anyone promoting LLMs without a big side of skepticism is exposing their bias.
I asked for evidence, you gave more vibes. I’m still asking for evidence.
Again, do you have evidence that any NK soldiers are coming back?
It’s always answering taking the easy way out and answering a different question.
If you give it a question with only bad answers, it’ll hallucinate a feel-good wrong answer.
Monopolist asks court to let it continue colluding with other monopolist.
What evidence do you have that they’re rotating experienced troops back to NK?
Everything I’ve seen suggests most are KIA.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Seems you don’t understand how often people just click ‘OK’ without thinking.
If it’s wireless someone will be sent porn by the creep 2 rows back.
I go there in person BECAUSE I don’t want to log in to your stupid website.
People who are proud of their gear post it.
You seldom hear from the folks running a half dozen VMs on a laptop.
Before we had been introduced, my wife’s BFF told her I might be gay because I like opera.
What’s the exposure surface of this if I have remote access disabled?