If you haven’t tested your backups, you ain’t got a backup.
If you haven’t tested your backups, you ain’t got a backup.
systemd seems to like mounting stuff on /media. However, I would consult the Linux filesystem hierarchy documents around (eg. Wikipedia and then follow the references) for the most compatible place.
/srv /mnt tend to suggest themselves. /home is for your personal stuff not shared user wide stuff.
Don’t put stuff in local directories, leave it in a NAS location and mount it where you need it using fstab or auto/mount units and the appropriate filesystem. Maybe I’ve misunderstood something you wrote to think of this last bit.
Maybe! If you’ve never experienced a Reliant Robin, now’s your time. They’re calling you. Can you hear them? Ooooink oooooiiiinnnnk!
https://www.adrianflux.co.uk/cult-classics/reliant-robin/ https://youtu.be/QQh56geU0X8
It’s the natural evolution of the P5. https://youtu.be/dJfSS0ZXYdo
Soap bars. How quaint.
There’s a change detection add-on for Firefox I use for websites which don’t have RSS feeds. Might work on that other thing.
SiteDelta Watch.
Syncthing is fast. I have an IPv6 setup too which seems to help.
I have my downloads directory on my desktop linked to a downloads directory on my Android; you can’t link to the real Android downloads directory anymore so I use another.
When the file is removed from the desktop downloads directory it disappears from mobile.
I tried using Bluetooth between them but it’s more fiddly than Syncthing with my config. Switch Bluetooth on on desktop, connect to desktop, send file, disconnect, move file. Whereas Syncthing is always on.
However, before I started using Obsidian notes I used to transfer URLs using Signal’s Note-to-self thing. Signal on both desktop and mobile.
Obviously, I sync between mobile and desktop Obsidian using Syncthing.
Bro drives no-handed with certain clothing adjustments/malfunctions. Leaves both hands free to eat. Those flaky bits of pastry on some pastries can get away without that second hand. You know what I’m sayin’?
Glad you came clean. The weight you’ve been carrying will lift from your shoulders soon.
You need a cyber truck like everyone else. They’re selling cheap now for some reason.
You’re either
Assets* ftfy
That’s just dumb. You couldn’t make it up. I guess there was plenty of vocal-fry going on too?
Do you know if it’s a corporate dictat thing (so I have to eat my words)?! Anyone with any common sense would just put two of those in to fill the cup up.
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