is there a more efficient alternative that isn’t centralized?
is there a more efficient alternative that isn’t centralized?
I live in America, people here operate in the opposite fashion of a hive - in a hive the organism is the collective, and the individual is just a part of the whole. In the U.S. many people refuse to take minimal actions to benefit others and even themselves out of the perception that it might be viewed as collectivist.
social politeness has gone too far \s
tbh I have daily interactions with real humans in the flesh that make me think more people should be concerned about their actions and words than they are, lol
though the habituation of state and corporate surveillance is disturbing and should be combated fr
well you wouldn’t want to be caught doing / saying / thinking the wrong thing would you?
rsync is not really comparable to syncthing, it’s like comparing Excel to C++ or something. I need to be able to get lay people to install and use it, and syncthing has a UI that allows this while even I would have to do some work to get rsync to do everything syncthing is doing for me right now.