The Other End has been becoming one of my favorite webcomics for awhile now. Every time I start reading a strip I have no idea where it’s going and it’s usually terrifying. A+
The Other End has been becoming one of my favorite webcomics for awhile now. Every time I start reading a strip I have no idea where it’s going and it’s usually terrifying. A+
staring at save screen
Wait, did I just save, or do I still need to save?
zones out while processing save again
I don’t even know what to say about this mess, but yes: that’s enterprise pricing. It doesn’t need to be that way, but it can be because those are the kind of prices you can charge businesses. And really, just as a pleasant capitalistic side effect of this, is that the lower classes are completely locked off form this technology. It’s not a mystery, it’s not a conspiracy, it’s business. And I hate it.
Let’s see what’s up on the site now …
I stand by my statement.