he probably wouldn’t even die, he’d just spread it to as many people as possible so he can turn it into a global pandemic and kill off the “undesirables”
he probably wouldn’t even die, he’d just spread it to as many people as possible so he can turn it into a global pandemic and kill off the “undesirables”
cope and seethe. shove your concern trolling somewhere else
you could argue machine learning like Google translate is useful. it’s still evil though because Google.
generative ai though? absolutely not, we need to burn it down.
it doesn’t matter whether abolition is realistic or not. the same thing could be said in 1980 about owning a supercomputer that fits in your pocket
this is simply the liberal “if you don’t vote then you deserved it” rhetoric repackaged. we’re not interested since our goal isn’t to work inside the system as abolitionists
anyone who calls AI a form of life is too far gone to collaborate with
your buddies are absolutely divorced from reality. if they’re epidemiologists they should quit their jobs