J as in George is my personal favorite
Go make something interesting before the world burns out
J as in George is my personal favorite
Big stuff? not much. You aren’t going to change the political trajectory in a hurry and there is only so much an individual can do.
However, change starts small and it starts local. Get involved in your local government and other judgement making entities. It may not seem like much but when even the school boards are full of Nazis it affects the next generation. Start by making small achievable goals, and by finding like minded people to organize with. Take every win you can get, and a win is one less voice in power telling kids they shouldn’t exist or making your parents afraid of Mexicans.
We can also minimize the fallout. There are going to be victims of the policies announced today. Do your best to help them if you can. Refuse to hurt people. Be kind to your brother.
In a bumper sticker phrase, Build community.
It straps you to the seat so when the plane suddenly drops 50 feet due to turbulence your dumbass doesn’t launch into the ceiling.
Same thing as when old people said they were against Antifa or antifa was causing violence. Anti Fascist. You don’t support the Anti Fascists. Are you ok with the Fascists then? Shuts the boomers up because they remember daddy fought the Fascists even if their lead addled brains can’t remember what that is