Lots of sex stuff with kids… some accidental murder and drug binges… the typical conservative stuff they project on others.
Lots of sex stuff with kids… some accidental murder and drug binges… the typical conservative stuff they project on others.
I hope your path of reasoning works out, but I fear Trump would even allow Israel to throw nuclear weapons at Palestine… just for shits and giggles of his fan base to see if Israel really would.
They will drive Israel to the limit of atrocious crimes they allow … and use this to prosper antisemitic sentiment everywhere else. That’s my prognosis, let’s see who is closer to the truth.
It’s ether wash or scrub, but for the entire body. What psycho scrubs the torso but not the legs or who washes the torso and scrubs the legs? You people are both weird.
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I think it was always sad. Just nower days we see more of it.
Just imagine the amounts of e.g. rape in society during the 50s and 60s? Even today there are discussions if it was rape or if she sent signals… imagine that shit in the 50s… in a corporate environment?
Those people, those exact toxic people make up the government now. Nazis, Bigots, Rapists,… not figuratively, but real hard facts.
That guy has really bad coordination. He IS a dork, just not a smart one.
One Nazi did not like your comment.
Edit: And mine!!!
I had Smartphones, but it feels like using it super drunk. Like you can barely make out what app you are using and the text changes all the time.
Mirrors and Displays are perfectly fine if you “just see them”… when you examine them they start to do funky shit.
Another interesting “function” is breathing underwater, holding breath indefinitely, closing eyes while walking into a wall to “glitch” the world. Idk, lucid dreaming sometimes is wild.
The Story of Black Flag was tongue in cheek 100% and very blunt about it… yes… but gameplay wise, Black Flag was definitely the requiem on everything the series had to offer (and more).
And again, you are right. I stopped caring. I wouldn’t even know a new AC is coming if it wasn’t for all the stupid stuff like “I don’t want to play a black man or a Asian woman” or “why is the first playable Asian protagonist black”… the game itself well… why?
But should Ubisoft go down, I would miss their quirky games like Splinter Cell, XIII and even Far Cry…
Reading is hard in dreams and Mirrors/Displays turn into portals. It’s fascinating how similar it is to nerfs when they reconstruct reflections/mirrors and stable Diffusion when it writes “text”.
Wtf? AC2 and the entire Enzio Series are why AC got a Fan-Base in the first Place. AC1 was a mind blowing gameplay curiosity with lots of rough edges.
The last AC that got me interested was Unity, simply because it felt like AC2 in France (similar Story even).
The last AC that got me thrilled was Black Flag… I mean… it’s legendary!!!
Out of my perspective, one system punishes overlords and the other doesn’t. I know what you mean regarding the prohibition on critics of the system / important people / journalism / science … but if we strictly compare the US with China in terms of billionaire punishment, China wins…
And regarding the massive steps the USA takes towards an autocracy, I would say the other aspects of the argument won’t hold up much longer.
It seems like we need to go through this shit to finally get our star trek future.
Yes … but they ARE jailed (or worse). And they all know the Party has shit on them and they still chose to rise. That’s their game… what’s the western equivalent? Be born rich, cause literal chemical natural disasters by lobby work and shitty investment decisions and what happens?.. correct… In china they be ded…
I take almost any Chinese party official over an American Billionaire. Rich people had their chance to prove capitalism works, it didn’t…
China has shown it jails Billionaires, so their Justice system works better than the one in the US.
Sketchy Oligargh Billionaire App VS State-Run-Sketchy Party-Official-Billionaires App…
Idk… Sounds like loose loose…
Yeah, it’s strange. Like even slight criticism. I mean that’s okay, but what about actual constructive discussions? None!
If you are not allowed to criticize a system, that system is inheritly flawed. But that’s my personal take on this.
Try saying negative stuff about China on .ml I doubt that they are not completely undermined by the Chinese intelligence. (They delete every post critical about china).
So being vigilant is the only way to avoid getting manipulated.
Okay. I got this discussion 2x already. I don’t have to prove anything to you. I almost exclusively see people excusing atrocities if done “by the right people”… same fascism, different color.
Not so quick, they say the gesture was “out of context” and resembles the Nazi gesture. So even the German police/law is going to gag on musk’s dick. Great, I didn’t know we are there already.