This is why I have all auto updates turned off, and just do it manually once every week or so. Corporations can never be trusted.
Well yeah, obviously not things like guns, light vehicles etc.
All the tanks, fighting aircraft and advanced weapons systems though? Yeah I wouldn’t trust any of that against the US unless the entire software and hardware stack was source-available.Even then probably not worth it.
He… Never had any credibility? Everybody knows Trump doesn’t understand anything, and all his decisions are fed to him by handlers/oligarchs/lobbyists.
No, Hitler killed like 100M people.
Also Thatcher and Reagan were just tools of the oligarchy. The individuals and corporations who financed them are to blame. Many of them continued to ratfuck society right through to Brexit, and today.
It’s a ploy to distract everyone while he robs the country blind and implements the dictatorship.
Hitler took 53 days. Trump’s on track to break that record, because criminally corrupt authoritarians didn’t hold a majority in the Weimar Republic.
It’s to distract from all their treasonous crimes! The fact they’re illegally destroying countless government institutions, looting the public coffers, and giving Musk the keys to the kingdom. When the dust settles they’ll have seized control of everything important.
They aren’t gonna invade Canada or Greenland… At least, not for a few years; not until they’ve purged enough military leadership and replaced them with loyalists. I hope they are dumb enough to try in 2025 though. That might genuinely result in civil war. I can’t see the US military going along with it.
Yeah, but Israel created a hacking services industry to commit crimes on behalf of the corporate oligarchy, therefore they are just an extension of surveillance capitalism, which is very legal and very cool!
Completely different to the brown and Asian hackers you should be scared of.
Encryption with a backdoor is malware.
Member when they tried to do this publicly and it only took hackers a few months to completely annihilate the most secure backdoor ever devised?
What you *will* find are instances with no apparent violations. Just like setting all the nuclear weapons to have the exact same easily remembered activation code didn’t actually lead to a nuclear exchange.
This isn’t a great example. Not even a backdoor. That’s an example of weak security, at the final stage behind multiple layers of extremely strong security. If an adversary had got to the point where they were at an ICBM bunker console, and the only thing stopping them was a 4 digit code, it was already basically game over.
The backdoors our corporate oligarchs want have zero safeguards, and once discovered grant any attacker the keys to the entire kingdom, remotely. It’s more like the only security being the 4 digit code. It fundamentally weakens the security of everyone, and every system we rely on, to the extent any attempt to do it should be considered a direct act of war against us — as treasonous sabotage, that only our worst enemies would attempt.
This is the most infuriating display of sheer incompetence. You’re logged into your fucking account, likely secured with 2FA, and the chat session you start is not authenticated in any way! You have to provide basic account info… The kind of info you are authorized to change because you are logged into your account… Corporations are a wet fetid sack of dog shit.
I’ve been trying to take ownership of my data and simplify my digital life. The greatest barrier to this by far is Apple/iOS.
Sure am glad I picked that walled garden 15 years ago, when I was none the wiser.
I don’t want to defend any of these narcissists, but every single fossil fuel, pharma, MIC owner/CEO of the 20th C is probably a hundred times more evil — more responsible for fascism and Trump — than any of these tech bros jumping in at the last mile. Those old guard oligarchs have been bribing politicians for decades.
Non owner CEO’s like Brian Thompson are more like an “uncle Tom” class traitor — a figurehead/footsoldier — than an oligarch, and are a dime a dozen. The primary controlling shareholder(s) and board of directors are the Hydra, pulling the strings in the background.
Those oligarchs are still avoiding public scrutiny, working behind the scenes. They’ve been funding both parties the entire god damn time.
While Trump is obviously more dangerous and corrupt, and far less trustworthy than average… those oligarchs could not care less. They have more in common with a Russian or Chinese oligarch than they do with 99.999% of the American population. They have homes around the world; fallout shelters and citizenship in NZ, as well as the EU or Singapore. They have private security teams that cost more per year than you or I will make in a lifetime. Whatever happens, they’ll remain protected by all mainstream political parties the world over. Trump is a dementia patient. He doesn’t read anything he signs (like most of congress). He’s literally just a doormat for moneyed interests. The cost to bribe him is 1/1000th the tax cuts he gives them. The ROI is a no brainier. They’re not afraid of theocracy or fascism. They’re the ones implementing it.
Corporate dictatorship masquerading as “democracy”
Tech bros are new money. The oligarchs who own all R’s, and most of the D’s, are old guard generational wealth dynasties spanning the most powerful industries — energy/commodities (fossil fuels, mining, petrochem, etc), wall street, the MIC, big agriculture, big pharma, media and telecommunications.
Those are the oligarchs who want Russian/Chinese style state capitalist dictatorship, because they’re the ones who’ll be in charge. Their lobbyists write ALL the bills and orders the GOP put forward. Trump is just the figurehead to distract the people and maintain the whole “democracy” charade until the thin veneer is no longer necessary.
Hence, piracy is a service problem. Capitalism clearly can’t be trusted to provide the services without extortion.
The article’s inaccurate then. Israel arrests numerous Palestinians as leverage.