That’s…honestly a fair point; a good chunk of why I never bothered with TikTok is it has some of the worst UX I’ve ever experienced in my life.
That’s…honestly a fair point; a good chunk of why I never bothered with TikTok is it has some of the worst UX I’ve ever experienced in my life.
That’s kind of the funniest way to not know what it is, though.
Another platform will pop up over the next week if TikTok is banned.
Or an existing social media will try to take its place; Meta and Google have sites which imitate TikTok’s UI (at least, in part).
I don’t think it’s the only reason necessarily (and I’m inclined to agree your reasons are, at least, part of it) but I think the chance for U. S. companies to cannibalize TikTok’s market demographics is, also, a happy little coincidence of the consequences.
Incidentally, Christine Webber (who probably knows a bit about the subject) was going over how decentralized BlueSky really is or not (spoiler, it’s not):