He was boosting and account sharing. We don’t have the evidence that he was cheating. Both bad. Just not the same thing.
He was boosting and account sharing. We don’t have the evidence that he was cheating. Both bad. Just not the same thing.
SIKE! You didn’t win! I still believe cheating is different than boosting.
IKR. Unreal!
Alright, you won cheating = boosting. Are you happy now?
When I hear that someone cheated in a videogame I think about using external software. When I hear that someone boosted in a videogame I think about account sharing. Maybe that’s just me, idk.
I believe ChatGPT was referring to buying cheating software when it said “paid services”. It may have lost that part of the response when I forced it to condense it into 2 sentences.
Here’s what ChatGPT says (and I fully agree with it):
In PoE 2, cheating involves breaking rules with unauthorized tools or exploits, while boosting is getting help from stronger players. Boosting isn’t cheating unless it involves exploits or paid services that violate the game’s rules.
Cheating would be if he used external software to modify the game state/gained knowledge about the game state he wasn’t supposed to have.
Well, I wasn’t trying to be dishonest. I just like my facts correct. If that makes you happy, downvote all you want.
If you think I’m defending him for boosting and account sharing - you are simply wrong. I just want the facts to be correct. Maybe it’s going over peoples heads cause I’m autistic (I think) or something idk.
No one is arguing that it isn’t dishonest. NO ONE.
I’m just arguing that cheating is a different thing than boosting/account sharing. I’m not even arguing which is worse. I sometimes wonder if people can even read. I just corrected the terminology and BAM 14 dislikes. SO dumb.
Would you agree that it would be somewhat less bad if it was all a troll move for lolz and to trigger people than if it was an actual serious thing? I’m not saying that it’s 100% a troll thing, but in case it is (while still bad) that would be more desirable than him actually being a Nazi. Don’t you agree?
What’s funny?
Huh? Have I said something that is not factual?
You are implying. Also, I believe he takes K for depression.
Maybe it’s just a bug.
I’m not sure Hitler is his idol. Also, ketamine and amphetamine are VERY different.
Why yall disliking this? Have I said something that is not factual or something?
Yeah, I’m not a fan of him doing that, I’m just trying to explore alternative explanations for why he did it.
Not everyone who has a different perspective from you is a troll, buddy.