Except I’ve been at the other end where I did absolutely nothing wrong but because I’m a man I’m the perpetrator.
I’ve had women tell me to my face that they hate all men. I’ve been blamed for things women did because I’m a man and therefore must be the problem.
I’ve even been accused of rape by a woman I never even physically touched only talked to for 20 minutes. We didn’t even talk about anything sexual much less sexually inappropriate.
The pendulum swings both ways. I don’t hate women. I don’t hate men. I recognize both sides have bad characteristics. I recognize both sides go through different struggles.
I’m just tired of being seen as an enemy just for having a penis.
So I poke fun at it.
Nah she’s not in the room with me because she’s my ex.
Unfortunately she used to be in the room with me all the time talking about all this shit.
Man bad this, man bad that.
Sexist women exist. And there’s a lot of them.