Just an error that targets only one side of the political spectrum. Of course.
Just an error that targets only one side of the political spectrum. Of course.
I know you wanted to be sarcastic but you ended up not making any sense.
It fucking sucks and will slow down the transition to electric cars.
We already have that shit in France too. The national companies sell prohibitively expensive cars with some amount of financial help. But if you buy a Chinese car (even with a demonstrably proven carbon footprint) you don’t get any help.
Basically this is about protecting our car industry and shielding from their incapacity to provide a value electric car to the masses. Nothing to do with emissions.
Is the concept of invasion not clear?
You don’t have to ask once you invaded.
Sure this is an unlikely scenario but saying Donald can’t afford to lose a partnership by invading an allied country is not understanding the problem.
The way I see it, innovation is a product like anything else in the context of capitalism.
Sam Altman wanted openAI to be non profit in its innovation but this was incompatible with capitalism that identifies it as a product with value.
So basically capitalism tries to find monetary value in anything so it can be sold because the ultimate goal is money.
Innovation is a byproduct of capitalism searching for new things to sell.
(Disclaimer : I understand Sam Altman probably never genuinely wanted to innovate for free, this is just a posture)
Americans realize how deadly corporate greed hits people in health care -> proceeds to elect Trump.
It’s Leopard season I suppose.
If I’m not mistaken the people behind Videolan also did x264 which is a pretty major library used to encode h.264.
It’s a lesser known project from videolan but with a rather broad use online.
What I find surprising in the debate about AI and hallucinations is that everyone points the fact that’s it’s very dangerous and it will spread misinformation… But the problem is the inability or unwillingness to fact check our information.
Nobody wants to fact check something they saw on meta or tik tok. Nobody will. There is no difference between someone trusting some random influencer and someone trusting an AI. They are both set to fail the same way. Both lack critical thinking.
Instead of being afraid of AI and hallucinations we should be investing massively in teaching the newer generations on fact checking and critical thinking.
IA is a great assistant but only if you can fact check it. If you can’t or won’t then it’s a terrible assistant that will set you up to fail.
To be clear, I also struggle to fact check stuff and I definitely was misinformed many times in the past. Nobody is really immune to that problem. IMO IA doesn’t change much about that problem.
One single French company and that’s it :(?
I thought we had some great AI researchers in France but it seems they are long gone if all we can muster is one startup?