I agree, but you aren’t. I think all IP law is stupid, but until i’m president of the universe, it’s still the law.
I agree, but you aren’t. I think all IP law is stupid, but until i’m president of the universe, it’s still the law.
Micropipettes ftw!
I mean, I totally agree with all forms of breaking IP law on ethical grounds. But I also recognise that it’s still breaking the law right now.
Also, most farmers use hybrid crops, which you already can’t save, because they’re hybrids. (You can save them, but they’re not going to produce the same plants you get them from).
That entire page says “this would be a bad thing to exist”. But it doesn’t. There are no commercial terminator seeds.
No they won’t.
They will sue you if you take your neighbors pesticide resistant seeds, sow them, douse them in pesticide so only the resistant ones survive, and sow your entire field with them.
Except when there are: https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-happens-to-spiders-webs-in-space
Several decades, in fact
To quote an old teacher “a little benzene never killed anyone, and it’s great for cleaning lab tables”
Turned out that actually, he was half right.