Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I mean, you said you hope he regrets it, I highly doubt he does or will unless there’s a reckoning somewhere down the line. He wants to be the most popular person ever, and by throwing a Nazi Salute…well he’s pretty popular with certain groups of people who have lower melanin than others, and think that that’s a great way to determine who God’s chosen people are, or whatever hookum they decide to use to validate their hate. Don’t forget, his dad owns an emerald mine, and he grew up in an apartheid state as a full citizen, and one of “means”. It’s hard to strip that kind of thinking about the world from your mind. And then there’s how badly he treats his children, publicly. You should probably rethink your even marginal support for this man who clearly wants to be President, but can’t due to not being a natural citizen.

  • There’s a big difference between sitting around a fire telling stories. And sending pseudonymous click-baity messages (I’m slightly exaggerating) across the globe.

    Totally agree, except that regardless of how smart a person is…all our brains are pretty dumb and easy to fool. If reading stupid click-bait messages on the internet triggers the same connections as having a talk around the fire, then to our brains it’s literally the same. And it has all the same things, just more so. Is someone more likely to lie to you for their own ends on the internet? Probably, but your best friend would like to your face if their mental maths figured that lying would benefit them more than telling the truth. Not saying that society is doomed because we’re all inherently selfish and don’t care about the welfare of anyone past ourselves. But to say that social media doesn’t fill the same function as village gatherings, the town crier exclaiming news where you might not get word, or gathering around the fire with Oogtug and Feffaguh to tell eachother about your day…in the current era, when people are more socially isolated than ever? Nah. Doesn’t track for me.