I use dd.
I use dd.
And as backblaze says themselves every time, this data is not.the complete truth either, they have large sample size but this sample size is still too small to large claims about reliability. Especially about brand reliability.
And it is heavily opinionated, without pointing out other solutions like for example the use of openvpn without mentioning wireguard even once.
TLDR, the developers of pfSense are not the nicest people sometimes. If this bothers you, consider checking out OPNsense.
So first the author is arguing around on the router section that you should not buy a cheap router but then goes for pfsense instead of opnsense, i understand that when you are used to pfsense that you may not want to switch but recommending it for new ppl is just stupid. They have shown their hostality against their OS community in the past see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13615896
That’s also my take on the topic and that is also what backblazes data is suggesting. Would they not believe it themself then they would stop buying unreliable drives. Every brand can have outlier models that have a bad failure rate.