Well that’s a bit alarming.
Well that’s a bit alarming.
And Instances/Subreddits. Back in my Reddit days I remember the Ball Python subreddit getting more and more like this, culminating in some of the members calling for another member to kill her ball python because it had a chance of having a neurological defect.
The mods finally came in and stopped it, and a few other members called it out, but I figured that was a sign to unsubscribe.
A ton more than other people of his time. Like, diehard racists told him to chill out and be less racist.
Speaking as someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, that shit can take full sun to full shade, grow insanely fast, and choke out even the largest trees. Leave a small piece in the soil by accident, and you’ve got a new monster-sized plant before you can blink.
It all depends on where you live. Lucky you that you live in a place where ivy behaves itself. Not everyone gets to be that lucky.
The ones that build webs are. The males of orb weavers/cobweb spiders wander from place to place, always on the move looking for food and sexy ladies.
Sure, now they complain.