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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • Traditionally promotions to leadership positions could only be selected from a small pool of men: wealthy, with good pedigree and with some kind of connections to the current top leader(s). Any top leadership positions had to be filled with people from this small pool: the aristocracy. They could be incompetent or corrupt, but that was usually not that important, as long as they had the right parents and kissed the right ass(es), they were the right person for the job.

    Meritocracy is when people are selected for promotions based on something other than social standing or wealth. Merit for the job can be: getting a top score on an anonymous uniform exam, having a good track record in similar roles, having a solid plan to solve the problem at hand, … Any positive qualification that is not based on social standing or wealth. And all candidates for the job have to be weighted based on the same qualifiers.

    As I understand it, the usa federal administration used to have a meritocratic system until right under the top departemental positions, who were politically appointed (appointed based on loyalty, not merit). But while those top positions were political appointees, they were usually selected from the top meritorious people, so those people were usually qualified for the job.

    Trump has politized the promotions much deeper into the administrations, basically doing away with meritocracy and replacing it with a system based on personal loyalty and a willingness to break laws when asked to.

    Trump and his administration might say that his appointments are based on merit, but that’s just Trump speaking, his words have no meaning.

  • Canceling to downgrade your 365 subscription is the “normal” Microsoft way, so that part is not a new scummy practice that was invented for this scummy occasion. I do hope this forced upsell comes back to bite Microsoft in the ass, most consumers won’t be aware of the downgrade option, but consumer agencies shouldn’t let this slide, it’s setting a very bad precedent.

    The ms instructions:

    1. Go to Services & subscriptions and if prompted, sign in with the Microsoft account associated with your subscription.
    2. Find your current subscription and select Manage > Cancel subscription.
    3. The Cancel page will show you the features of your current subscription plan. If you’re switching to another plan with less features, select the plan that works for you.
    4. Follow the instructions to complete the switch. Your existing subscription might not change immediately, but it will automatically change to the new plan when the plan renews. You won’t be charged for the new plan until it renews into that plan.

  • So according to you, Elon Musk has his heart in his upper left side longue, close to his left shoulder. Sounds like one special kind of human.

    And if that’s just waving, then why according to you did he wave to the American flag? Is that just how south-africans salute the usa flag, by “waving” at it?

    And I also call bullshit on the claim of having watched countless videos. If you had, then you had seen a much greater variety of Nazi salutes. Nazis as they got older and/or higher in the Nazi hierarchy, they became sloppier with the Nazi salutes. Sometimes the mind is willing, but the body says no.

  • What the hell are you on about?

    Elon Musk does an unmistakable Nazi salute, you claim he was just “waving”, despite there not even having been a waving motion, just the one swing from left shoulder to full extended right arm, which is a textbook Nazi salute. And now you come with whataboutism about Hamas and I don’t even know what’s the point of it.

    What kind of troll are you?

  • I don’t enjoy watching ltt anymore since a good few years, but I’m still going to come to their defence :)

    They discussed dropping Honey on their forum in march 2022: "We ended the partnership with Honey due to the way their service interacted with affiliate links. Essentially, if someone clicked on a affiliate link (For example, one of ours below in the video description on YouTube), and then if they “use honey” and search for a deal, Honey will override that tracking link even if they don’t find you a deal. ".


    When they defended themselves against the recent accusations, that they didn’t make enough noise when dropping Honey in 2022, their defence was that they thought that only creators were disadvantaged (a few 100 people?). They claim to have been unaware that the users of Honey (the hundreds of thousands of LTT viewers) were being disadvantaged as well. They also seemed to be unaware that Honey’s behaviour is likely illegal, at least LTT made no mention on the legality of it. https://therecenttimes.com/news/linustechtips-addresses-megalags-honey-allegations-defends-transparency Which checks out with their 2022 post.

    If they had known that the users of Honey were being bamboozled as well, I’m sure that they would have made a video about it. But making a complaint video to basically say that an ex sponsor was stealing some of their marbles, might have given a bad look. + given more publicity to Honey, which LTT probably didn’t want to happen.