Honestly pretty happy to be described with Ryan Gosling characters.
Honestly pretty happy to be described with Ryan Gosling characters.
Lol yeah just like how millennial doctors say “epic fail” and hold up a spork.
Is 1984 banned? That was mandatory reading…
Except red note has been in China since 2013 and available in America since 2023…
It’s almost like they have different root languages
Wym 29% is a bad interest rate?
The military isn’t a trap because people are naive. It’s a trap because poverty exist and people have families to feed.
Why are there so many memes like this on here right now? Feels a bit like brigading…
Republicans have spent the last 40 years purchasing the entire system, obviously it works for them. They’re the ones that paid for it.
This is a bad faith take that only reflect the experiencs of the wealthiest boomers. There are elderly people struggling with Medicare and social security being cut. Remember, there’s not an age war, there is a class war.
The Shock Doctrine should be at the absolute front of everyone’s reading list, follower shortly by that field manual about sabotaging fascism. The goal of these tarrifs is to cause a panic.
It’s time to buckle the fuck up. Yah best start believing in fascist dystopias, because YOU’RE IN ONE.