Alt account of @Cube6392@beehaw.org for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated
patriarchy enforces itself on boys starting as early as when they’re five (that’s when i was first told boys and girls can’t be friends). the patriarchy supports the types of people who are consistently republican. republicans consistently step in to defend and enforce patriarchy. if you’re familiar with the shit Akademiks got caught doing recently, that’s… that’s how patriarchy enforces itself on boys when they’re 13-16. it’s republicans doing the grooming, and republicans accusing us of grooming. and so we are clear, i am not letting the democrats off the hook here. their tolerance of intolerant philosophies is actively harmful to our survival effectively they groom us to be groomed for our patriarchal roles
Even NPR and PBS have gone a little sus. And look. We do need to talk about what it is about Trump that keeps clicking, what is going on with Americans that he resonates so strongly (despite so clearly being horrible and a sharp worsening of everything everywhere). But we can have that conversation without taking something he says and saying “Huh. That’s interesting. Is there any validity to that?”
No. You don’t have to report on him like a normal politician. You don’t have to default to treating what he says like it’s probably valid. You can rightly and justly act like he’s a weird shit cunt who just says whatever to see what lands with people, and then just keeps repeating those verbal tics people liked.
And this rings true for so much of American politics. We treat every political corruption scandal past watergate like it’s a complex web of people and we don’t know who knows what. The Iran-Contra scandal, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, russian collusion, the coup, voter surpression and the rise of right wing politics globally and at home, are actually all VERY simple when you get right down to it. But the media acts like it’s complicated and hard to understand so the populace thinks it’s complicated and hard to understand.
The simple truth is this: we live in a global system of torture. Every day you go to work and do your job and struggle to afford groceries, you are getting tortured. You are getting tortured slowly. But you are surely getting tortured. Your work is boring and demeaning, and it doesn’t contribute in any real way to causes you care about. Your boss makes more money than you do despite you doing the work. Their boss makes a fortune despite not even knowing what it is you do. You go to the grocery store on the way home. The produce was grown with prison labor, the coffee was grown with slave labor, and everything else was grown with refugee migrant labor. To heat your house you need electricity or natural gas. The minerals used to make this happen were extracted at the price of blood from someone just like you in another part of the world (Appalachia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan all come to mind). Your government kills anyone who tries to resist against these extraction economies. The imperial powers of China, Russia, and the United States battle over extraction economies that aren’t fully at scale yet (Ukraine, the Congo, Afghanistan all come to mind).
The secret to getting consent for all this from the populaces of the countries doing the torture is to make it seem like the torture is incomprehensibly far away from you, and that the imperial power over you is who is protecting you from it. Maybe they declare they’re taking action to protect against terrorism following an apartment bombing in Chechnya. Maybe their friends in Israel provide information about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. The important thing is they go do their imperialism so they can keep torturing you while saying they do it to keep you safe.
But now the torture is here. In your neighborhood. The pretenses are gone. The world can all plainly see that the genocides that have been cropping up across the globe in Gaza, Darfur, Ukraine, Myanmar, Xinjiang, Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria, the Congo, Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Beirut, Cambodia, East Timor, Uganda, Burundi, Bangladesh, Zanzibar, Guatemala, Chechnya, Crimea, and Poland AFTER the Holocaust are ultimately all part of a single unending war between those with power who shouldn’t wield it, and those without power who don’t want it. The entire planet has been locked into a growth mindset where the success of a country is measured by its GDP and not by the quality of life of its worst of citizen, and the easiest way to maintain that is to just keep on killing.
And some of the people who are about to be victimized by the torture voted for it, asked for it. They wanted it because they thought it was too far away to be truly real. They thought people like us, people saying “No it’s real, and we have a moral obligation to do something about it” were exaggerating and fear mongering. Well now it’s fucking here, and those of us who been saying it’s real are first in line to get fucked. Soooooo… IDK, fuck fascists I guess. Done molly cottling them and trying to tell them they’re misdirecting their anger. They had their chance and they fucked it, and now I’m who’s getting fucked by it.
Replacing your current shitty imperial power with a foreign imperial power never goes good
The Media is sane washing Trump. The Media is owned by the oligarchs who run this country. What NBC, CBS, ABC, and FOX say is reality is not necessarily speaking real. I’m afraid that in troubled times it falls on each of us to become a historian, journalist, propagandist, and warrior all wrapped into one
Calvinists are one of the biggest sets of Christians. Presbyterians and Reformed Baptists are both Calvinist in nature
definitively yes. where would they have gone?
don’t believe the fascists’ lies
“Because I don’t feel like it”
i honestly don’t think anyone would put him to trial. like suddenly everyone you know was with the president of ukraine at the time of the incident. and sure, that’s not what questions the ICC would be asking, but that’s what we’d all be saying
i hope France, Denmark, Poland, and Ukraine are responsible leaders of the free world
it’s a joke about the movie Gaslight
it won’t be an invasion.
it will be a special military operation.
consumers: my boss says i need a smartphone for MFA and will only give me a small stipend
read up on who ronald reagan was
zits, probably
yeah and for a lot of people who’d be using lemmy, the reason they weren’t aware of all this shit is our parents kept us safe from it
well that’s the fuck we’re talking about and saying we’re jealous of
we make the asses shake. it is our role in society
that is patriarchy. it’s really hard to answer the question because the obsession with genitals being what makes our society is patriarchy. not just an aspect of it, but the entire thing. it’s like pointing at an elephant and asking how an elephant is an elephant. i’ll still try to explain best i can though.
so. let’s define patriarchy as being similar to other systems of oppression. capitalism hinges on that the owner class exists in hierarchy over the working classes. colonialism hinges on that races and societies exist in competition and hierarchy. religious fundamentalism hinges on that the religions of the world are at war and that only one religion is true. patriarchy hinges on that men and women are naturally meant to conduct themselves in certain ways and that men exist within hierarchy over women.
as an aside, all of this is fascism. fascism has gone by many different names throughout history. but any society that embraces these attitudes is fascist. america today is fascist. russia is fascist. the ussr was fascist. north korea is fascist. china is fascist. the self proclaimed fascists of the 1930s were, obviously, fascist. but so were the monarchs of the previous millenium, the confederated states of america, and tons of governments that have existed over the last 12000 years (particularly notably the romans and the Carthaginian).
anyway. the thing to understand is that the patriarchy is not for men, nor does it really benefit men. patriarchy ultimately benefits a small cabal of men who take advantage of the power they have within the hierarchy to gain personal comfort. think andrew tate, elon musk, dj akademiks, drake, joe rogan.
i’m out of energy to keep writing. please check out bell hooks in particular. she was a feminist philosopher who wrote the very influential essay “Feminism is for Everyone” which she wrote in the 1980s as powerful men figured out they could discredit feminism and say it was about things it never was by using the word “faminazi”