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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • That’s a lot of words to write for either not reading what I wrote, or not even attempting to understand it.

    It’s wild that I very explicitly said they’re both bad and then you go on to imply that I, or people like me, think that one of these is “ok”.

    And that you chose to use those straw men instead of engaging with the concept of relativity of wrongness, tells me that you probably don’t even really believe in that novella you wrote.

  • Maybe “options” was a bad choice of word.

    These are things we’re talking about and just because we’re talking about a thing doesn’t mean we are bound to choose it if given them as a choice.

    I can say that I hate one thing more than another thing without ever being forced to choose either of them.
    Just like in my example I’m not forced to run over a child’s foot just because I spoke about it.

    And besides sometimes you ARE forced to choose between a list of bad options. Especially in politics. There is certainly a “least bad” option, and treating everything bad as equal is, like I said before, how monsters get power.

    I refuse to believe that these are the responses of someone having a good faith discussion. You’re clearly trolling, but idky because you’re not being funny or clever. You’re just making tangential nonsense arguments for no discernable reason.

  • Guess what?

    You can rank a list of things by preference, even if it contains more than 2 items and multiple items are bad.

    Let me give you an example:

    1. Give an innocent child a candy
    2. Run over an innocent child’s foot
    3. Blow up an innocent child with C4

    2 of those options are bad and indefensible, but between the bad options, one is certainly worse.

    Come back to me when you have an argument that stands up to a light breeze, your “all bad things are equally bad” routine is the kind of nonsense that allows monsters to come into power.

  • Sure, if you use your own alternative definition of the terms, then all bets are off.

    Authoritarianism is about how you’re pressured or forced to do things, and left/right is about what those things are.

    I know that if we get too nuanced about all the many many dimensions of politics, then we’ll spend so all our time fighting semantics and get nothing done. But if you simplify down to a single axis then the terms lose all meaning and you likewise can’t communicate anything of meaning.

  • I don’t think it could.

    The client doesn’t have access to all the videos, it’ll have to query the (distributed???) platform to find matching videos.
    And the platform is gonna need to serve up some kind of metadata for the client to track (are hashtags enough???)
    And the platform is gonna need to be keeping stats on the videos for the client to match against
    And what would that query even look like? A gargantuan weighted map of hashtags? I can’t imagine hashtags alone would be enough.

  • If I understand correctly, that only works with data publicly available (or at least available to 3rd party instances). But there are going to be metrics that fediverse platforms simply don’t make public or even track.

    for example: i dont imagine that peertube (or even loops) makes public who viewed which videos, when, for how long. and it’d be a huge privacy issue if they did. Even tracking things like who-liked-what are the kinds of things that a 3rd party probably shouldn’t be able to just check.

    without these kinds of insights, it’d be hard to make a good recommendation algorithm, because you can’t really tell how an individual is interacting with content.