I keep getting told that no one will want to see my travel photos. Maybe it’s because I’d rather show them in person instead of posting on social media?
I keep getting told that no one will want to see my travel photos. Maybe it’s because I’d rather show them in person instead of posting on social media?
Oof. Soon every job is going to ask “HoW mAnY fOlLoWeRs Do YoU hAvE?”
They are and they do, but this example is extreme. Having been on both sides of this, I’d say no one should have to live their life in fear of every little interaction. It’s exhausting, and you will never succeed in getting every person to leave you alone anyway. But this doesn’t have to be “the way it is.” You can actually change and make your life easier. Sometimes it takes help and a long time, but I believe most people can do it if they really want to.
Apparently they’ve decided once every 5 years is enough for women. Now I wonder if that’s because of the doctor shortage…