All religion is used to oppress people. Look a the state of the U.S. right now.
All religion is used to oppress people. Look a the state of the U.S. right now.
Probably bcz it was a typo. The grammar nazis are always quick to show up if you dont use your and you’re correctly.
Don’t act like you know… youre views are vastly inferior to mine.
I see what you did there 👀
Hmm, so now I understand one of the many reasons Russia has been going so hard in Ukraine. Not only do they want access to their ports. But they want access to their rare earth minerals. It’s all making sense now. Fucking clowns.
Before you get all excited, I’m already taken. Some young thing already got me hitched (she was born in 1971).
Ugghh, you could at least be available for rent.
Dunno why you are getting down voted. It’s a perfectly legit question to ask for a source. Even if said person could conceivably have said it.
New number, who dis? - Ukraine
Is this real, bcz if so, this is hilarious
It has zero posts… what if they don’t like my ideas?
It’s not just taboo, it’s disgusting! And for good reason, sex is icky, and should never be talked about openly. I mean, what if someone else hears it??? Or worse… I’m feeling awkward just typing these words so I’m gonna stop in the middle of whatever im typ… 👀
I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out.
My taste spuds think it is!
If someone accuses you of sexual abuse. It’s almost always going to be the truth.
I’m going to flag every suspicious email i see as a phishing attempt. That’s why I take a mandatory federal training every year on cybersecurity.
Why would they need to rebuild the city when they own the entire planet with regulatory capture, and a whole ass army? Never thought once about how weird it was that a private company had a military.
Thanks, I hate it.