Nah, I’m okay. Have a nice day.
Nah, I’m okay. Have a nice day.
Weird way of expressing a sane take, but okay.
You seem well adjusted
Bought mine in 2021. I knew the man was an idiot then, wasn’t really expecting the whole fascist playbook at the time. Anyway, want a Tesla?
Not for long, evidently
It’s an unambiguous flat out Nazi salute. The context was removed from this clip, but he says “my heart goes out to you” and puts his hand on his chest, then throws out the flat open palm Nazi salute and people are trying to say that he’s figuratively throwing his heart out to the crowd and it’s totally not a Nazi salute, but it’s straight up just a Nazi salute. Also he then turns and does it a second time.
How does recognizing systemic sexism, AKA issues within our society that unfairly treat either men or women, make me sexist? The “glass cliff” is a well known phenomenon, we’re not just making this up out of nowhere.
I guess if you choose to remain ignorant of such issues, people pointing them out may appear sexist to you. I’m sorry that your world view is so limited by your own self imposed blinders, but please don’t shoot the messenger. Wikipedia is just a few clicks away.
OnlyOffice, you say?
What is “the glass cliff”, Alex.
Sorry that stating the existence of this systemic sexism is apparently sexist. Guess I’m sexist?
You should probably wait until after Monday to come home. Maybe something catastrophic will happen and you’ll get stuck there. Oh noooo
Hmmm…are you from Michigan? Minnesota?
Oh damn, you’re right, I didn’t see that! It blends in almost entirely on my monitor. I can see it more now that I’m on my phone.
…Perhaps an excuse to finally buy an OLED monitor…?
Hah! I think we’re only seeing one leg from a profile angle though. The seam down the side of the jeans gives the appearance of two twig legs. If the artist had added a sliver of rear leg, it’d probably read better, e.g.:
Thankfully, that doesn’t apply to us using the app because the Chinese government doesn’t govern us.
Meanwhile, the US government absolutely influences the flow of information on US hosted social media sites, so uh, let’s be upset at all of them regardless of location!
Can barely hold on to my papers these days
I’m pretty sure it was just a joke…probably
Because he’s one of the biggest, most well-known figures on the planet regardless of whether or not you believe in him?
Ah, nothing like doing some proper lab work, then putting your fingies in your mouth.
Surprisingly, Teslas actually do. You have to access a hidden menu, but it’s well documented and easy to do.
This leaves out the modern extension of this where pizza meets the requirements of a vegetable due to it containing 2 tablespoons of tomato paste in the “Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2012”, previously the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010”.
Thanks Obama