Surprised nobody noticed the massive and highly profitable push to convince young people they’re mentally ill and need expensive medicine
Surprised nobody noticed the massive and highly profitable push to convince young people they’re mentally ill and need expensive medicine
Found the pussy 😂
Elon Musk attempts to draw attention away from his drug fuelled gaff
Come on, you fuckin morons
I know!
Apple wasn’t immune to enshittification
The word “diplomacy” has its roots in Latin from thousands of years ago
It’s a fairly basic concept
You cited an example from a society that thinks handguns are a right yet doesn’t fight for basic human rights like healthcare
That’s absolutely not a modern society
Je suis en retard aujourd’hui
Nothing, we stopped signing credit card receipts and using cheques in the 1990s
Didn’t we?
Political speech can involve hate.
Not in a modern society
Political disagreement, or any other disagreement that does not involve hate and harm should not be in question.
It never has been
You’re welcome to hate Biden or Trump.
I make a point of not hating anyone too old to control their bladder
You’re not welcome to threaten to kill your political opponent’s supporters.
Yes, that’s the idea
I’ve not got a clue what point you’re making
Definitely not the UK because you can’t even legally sell a house with knotweed in the garden!
It’s your inability to differentiate between political speech and hate speech that’s the problem
In modern societies, we’re happy with the government banning the latter and not the former
In undeveloped countries like the US, their toddler-level reading skills prevent them from knowing which one’s which
Can I offer you some punctuation in these trying times?
Not often I actually lol at a comment. Well done
Wrong Jersey ya dope
“I went to Paris, interacted with basically nobody French, hated it and so now I hate the French”
Admittedly the Brits are just as bad, and think the same way
Have you tried a Tuna Tuned Obama Llama instead?